Let's Art Together

We help promote artistic talent!

Does your kitchen refrigerator look like an art display?

There are very few things in life as special as your child creations and the joy they feel when they gift them to you. But art is so much more for a child than just drawing. There are countless benefits to art.

Here are just a few of those amazing creative benefits to help your child, grow, express and focus energy on.

  • Art can be a way for your child to express emotion. Whether they are happy, sad, finding memories or even telling a story that they can’t  express another way.
  • It can help them fine tune those amazing motor skills by handling all the creative craft tools like scissor, clay, hand held glue sticks, and cutting shapes or placing stickers in places.
  • Art helps with writing and critical thinking. Your child can draw something and then spell it out.  So the words on the paper start to bring the art to life and give it meaning. They have to problem solve if they start to draw and they don’t like what they wanted draw. So, ask them, “How do you fix it” and “What do you see”. Promoting art not only means being creative it means, finding ways to solve problems if you run into limitations – No crayons, try a paint, no paper use a grocery bag.
  • The sounds of giggles, laughs and chatter mean your child is socially developing skills for success. They learn this by sharing, complementing, and encouraging friends to keep adding silly drawings.  There is also development happening when your child draws or paints alone, as they learn patience and how to focus
Get messy and Let's Art Together in Killeen, TX
Let's Art Together Kids Program Killeen, TX

Interested in having us come to your daycare or preschool?

Pilot program coming Spring of 2023.  Please check back with us.